

As of April 18, 2015 there is a total of 26 Heritage Plaques. List below:

Riverdale Historical Society Plaques, 3 
Don RiverBridge on Queen Street E., east end of bridge
Don RiverBridge; Scadding Cabin
Straightening the Don

Riverdale Historical Society with Heritage Toronto, 13
Music Hall, 147 Danforth Ave
William Peyton Hubbard House, 660 Broadview Ave.
Thomas Hogarth House, 58 Hogarth Ave.
Owen Staples House, 69 Hogarth Ave.
Cranfield House, 450 Pape Ave.
Riverdale Courts, (Bain Co-Op), Logan Ave. at Bain Ave.
Don Jail, Broadview Ave. at Jack Layton Way (Video link:  )
St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, 135 First Ave.
Poulton Block, 798 Queen St. E.
St Matthew’s Clubhouse, 450 Broadview
Dr. Garon Clelland House, 301 Broadview Ave., 1906
Don Jail Governor’s House
Don Jail Gatehouse

Heritage Toronto Plaques Sponsored by R.H.S., 3 
Riverdale Railway Station, Queen St. E. at DeGrassi St., by the railway overpass, north side
Riverdale Heritage Conservation District, Logan Ave. at First Ave., south west side
Riverdale Park East, Broadview Ave. at Riverdale Ave.

Other Heritage Toronto Plaques in Riverdale, 6 
370 Broadview Ave, Riverdale Public Library, 1910
483 Broadview Avenue, Isaac Johnson House, circa 1885
Bruce Mackey, (actually 3 plaques) BruceMackeyPark, DeGrassi St.
176-178 Pape Ave., 1883
655 Queen St. E., SunlightPark
993 Queen St. E. McCarten Bldg, 1895

Toronto Historical Board Plaques in Riverdale. 3 
RiverdaleHospital, RiverdalePark East at Langley Ave.
Prince Edward Viaduct
Jimmie Simpson, Jimmie Simpson Recreation Centre, 870 Queen St. E.

Toronto Board of Education Plaques in Riverdale, 1  
Withrow Avenue Public School, Jr., Withrow Ave.

Home of William Payton Hubbard on Broadview Avenue.